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Hi Student,
Welcome to this most recent Selenium Automation testing course of 2024.
This course covers the latest version of all the Automation tools.
The course is specially designed in such a way that You need NOT have java coding experience to start this course. Even non Programming candidates can follow this course comfortably
Course is designed in such a way so that no programming language students can understand every topics easily with non technical examples.
All the topics include example from real time application Web applications.
This course will help you to become an Automation expert from scratch. On course completion You will be Mastered in Selenium Automation Testing and implementing Successfully in your work place.
We have dedicated Trainers who can help in answering students queries ASAP.
Projects build with in-depth implementation of following topics :
TestNG Framework
Page Object Model Design Patterns.
Maven Build management tool.
GIT Source Code Management tool.
Lo4J Logger Framework.
Extent Report.
Apache POI Library.
Cloud Testing – Sauce Lab Integration.
Last but not least, at the end of topics you can download the source code on your computer for your offline reference. So whatever code I teach you in the video, that specific code will be available for download.
I thank you for selecting this course to learn Selenium automation, and wish you all the best for your learning to become an Automation expert.
Thank you
Shelendra Kumar
Introduction of Java and Eclipse IDE
Java Basics - Variables, Data types, Operators, and Control Statements
Understanding OOPS concepts in depth.
11Understand Java main method, it's signature and write first Java program.
12Introduction Java variables.
13What is Local variable and It's rules.
14What is Instance variable and It's rules.
15What is Static variable and It's rules.
16What is data type and it's different types.
17What is a Operator and it's different types.
18Arithmetic Operators
19Assignment Operators
20Relational Operators
21Logical Operators
22What is Control Statement and It's different types?
23If Else Introduction
24If Else If Introduction
25Switch Case Introduction
26For Loop Introduction
27While Loop Introduction
28Arrays Introduction and Single Dimensional Array.
29Two Dimensional Arrays Introduction
Check your knowladge
31Complete the Switch case by adding the correct keyword.
32Write a Java program to print whether a number a is positive or negative.
Understating Selenium Architecture And Launch diff browsers via Selenium script.
33Undersetting Java Class and Objects
34Understanding Constructor, types and Default Constructor.
35Understanding parameterized constructor
36Understanding Constructor chaining.
37OOPS Introduction and features
38Understanding Inheritance with real time example.
39Inheritance Implementation with real time example.
40Understanding Polymorphism, types and Method Overloading
41Understanding Method Overriding.
42Understanding Abstraction and Interface
43Understanding Abstract Class.
44Java Encapsulation
45Understanding Java Access modifiers with examples
46Java List Collection
Check your knowledge
48Write a Java program to create a class called Dog with instance variables name and color.
Getting Start with Selenium Locators.
49Must Read - Preferred versions configuration
50Must Read - Selenium Library Version Updates
51Understanding Selenium WebDriver Architecture.
52Must Read- Fix chromedriver-is-not-accessible error.
53Must Read - Driver updates in Selenium 4
54Launch Google Chrome via Selenium WebDriver Script.
55Launch Firefox browser via Selenium WebDriver Script.
56Launch Internet Explorer browser via Selenium WebDriver Script.
Check your knowladge.
Handling the Web elements - Button, Text box, radio button, checkbox, link, etc.
58Introduction of Selenium Locators and types.
59Finding the elements by Id and name locators.
60Finding Web link element by using Link Text and Partial Link Text locators
61Understanding the Xpath and it's types.
62Solving the real time elements issues by Xpath methods - Part 1
63Solving the real time elements issues by Xpath methods - Part 12
64Understanding Css Selector locators
65Solving the real time elements issues by Css Selector locator
66Understanding Class name locator.
67Understanding TagName locator.
68Understanding the difference between findElement() and findElements()
Check your knowledge
Understanding the frequently used Selenium methods with real time examples.
70Text box operations handling
71Checkbox operations handling
72Radio button operations handling
73Dropdown operations handling
74Links operations handling.
75Must Read - Calendar Operations handling Test Website
76Calendar operations handling
77Button operations handling
78CSS Validations handling.
Check your knowledge.
Handling of Java script Alert, Iframe and multiple windows of browser
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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