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Web Development very easy – And is matter fact ! you pay attention to mechanism and master just one back-end language you are a web-developer.
What is special? You will learn to code back-end not only using PHP but C++ as well in the additional chapter added, and your application will be as robust as any existing fast application on web.
About the Instructor
Introduction to Course
How Web works?
Installation of Necessary Tools – Windows
Installation of Necessary Tools – Linux
Introduction to HTML
HTML Document Structure
Head Tag
Basic Text Formatting
Creating our first HTML file
Headings and Paragraphs
Links (anchor Tags)
Images (img Tag)
Lists (Unordered and Ordered)
Input Controls (Text, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Date , Time etc)
Extra date input controls (week, month)
Range input control
Combo box & List box (select Tag)
Text Areas (textarea Tag)
Forms (Form Tag)
Buttons (Submit, Reset)
Audio & Video controls
HTML Comments
<!DOCTYPE html> html5 standard
Script Tag (JavaScript)
Introduction to PHP
Enabling libraries
Basic output (HTTP basic headers)
Data types, Variables, Constants
Comments in PHP, C++, JavaScript
Arrays (and their indices, indexes)
Decision making – Concepts
Decision making – Implementation (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
Operators (Comparison, Logical, Arithmetic)
Increment, Decrement operators
switch-case (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
Loops in PHP, C++, JavaScript
for – Loop
while – Loop
do-while – Loop
foreach – Loop
String manipulation – basics
Functions – basics
Variadic functions
Default arguments to function
Form submission program – GET & POST http methods
Security measures about incoming data
File IO
Sessions and some global variables
JSON data
OOP in PHP – Object Oriented programming – an introduction
Access Modifiers – public, private, protected
Student database – Project v1 – using JSON file as data-store
Introduction to Project v1
Project Structure, Data Reading Writing Utility Script
Creating Homepage Listing
Add Student Record
Delete Record
Update Existing Record
Introduction to MySQL
Designing a database Visually – no-code
CRUD – Create Table
CRUD – Insert data in table
CRUD – Update existing records in table
CRUD – Delete records from table
CRUD – Emptying or Drop a table
Connecting to MySQL from PHP – Using msqli
Connecting to MySQL from PHP – Using PDO
Student database – Project v2 – using MySQL
Update Utility file – a complete review of the project
Introduction to CSS
CSS basics
Bootstrap – What & Why
Bootstrap Grid system. Basics study
Bootstrap Form Controls basics
Let’s style our Project v2 UI using Bootstrap
Introduction to JavaScript
Basic output in JavaScript
Data types and Variables
Constants, let, var
Backticks in JavaScript
Comments in JavaScript
Classes in JavaScript
for – Loop using (in)
.forEach function
String manipulation in JavaScript
Functions in JavaScript
Local Storage
Introduction to jQuery
Use of CSS Selectors in jQuery
DOM Manipulation
Ajax (3 ways to send & receive data on the fly)
Code tuning and some useful function in jQuery
Student database – Project v3 – updating UI using jQuery [ajax requests]
Set Class of student using jQuery first
Ajax calls explanation & JSON output
Additional chapter : C++ for web (overview + implementation)
Introduction to C++ for Web
Similarities and Differences – comparing C++ with PHP and JavaScript
Basic C++ program – general structure
Basic Output in C++
HTTP basic headers and output
Processing http GET and POST data using C++
Linking MySQL with our C++ application
Connecting to MySQL and running queries using C++
Additional : Student database – Project v4 – converting PHP project to C++
Converting utility.php to utility.h file
Converting index to C++ version
Converting add record to C++ version
Converting update record to C++ version
Converting delete record to C++ version
NOTE: Following Topics are planned but not part of the Couse at the moment, these will be gradually added.
Planned Topics
Hosting your website online
Cpanel, WHM, aaPanel
FTP basics
Deploying Database
Fast way to Transfer website data to another server
Compiling your C++ code on server
Generating PDF using external program
Reading Writing Office documents
Converting Image Formats
Converting PDF to other formats
Obfuscation of PHP Code
Obfuscation of Javascript Code
Generating EXE file of your PHP Project
Generating Browser based Desktop Application
Delivering & Running PHP Web application without Apache Web-server
MySQL Triggers
MySQL Temporary Tables
Garbing Externa Program output / getting job done by external programs
Image Manipulation using GD
Magic functions of PHP
7Introduction to HTML
8HTML Document Structure
9Head Tag
10Basic Text Formatting
11Creating our first HTML file
12Headings and Paragraphs
13Links (Anchor Tags)
14Images (Img Tag)
15Lists (Unordered and Ordered)
16Input Controls (Text, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Date, Time etc)
17Extra date input controls (week, month)
18Range input control
19Combo box / List box (select Tag)
20Text Areas
21Forms (Form Tag)
22Buttons (Submit, Reset)
23Audio / Video controls
24HTML Comments
25<!DOCTYPE html> html5 standard
26script Tag
Student database - Project v1 - using JSON file
27Introduction to PHP
28Enabling libraries
29Basic output
30Data types, Variables, Constants
32Comments in PHP, C++, JavaScript
34Decision making (if-else) - Concepts
35Decision making - Implementation (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
36Operators (Comparison, Logical, Arithmetic)
37Increment, Decrement operators
38switch-case (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
39Loops in PHP, C++, JavaScript
40for - Loop
41foreach -Loop
42while - Loop
43do-while - Loop
44String manipulation - basics
45Functions - basics
46Variadic functions
47Default arguments to function
48Form submission program - GET & POST http methods
49Security measures about incoming data
50File IO
51Sessions and some global variables
52JSON data
54OOP in PHP - Object Oriented programming - an introduction
55OOP - Inheritance
56OOP - Access Modifiers - public, private, protected
Student database - Project v2 - using MySQL
64Designing a database Visually - nocode
65CRUD - Create Table
66CRUD - Insert data in table
67CRUD - Delete records from table
68CRUD - Update existing records in table
69CRUD - Emptying or Drop a table
70Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using msqli
71Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using PDO
JavaScript (Fast Track)
79Introduction to JavaScript
80Basic output in JavaScript
81Data types and Variable
82Constants (const), let, var
83Backticks in JavaScript ` `
84Comments in JavaScript
85Classes in JavaScript
86for - Loop using (in)
87.forEach function
88String manipulation in JavaScript
89Functions in JavaScript
90Local Storage
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