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This course is best suitable for the students who find “surface irrigation engineering” subject as difficult, because all the complex problems are discussed in simple manner. This course is structured into five sections with 22 lectures, each covering a specific topic related to surface irrigation network.
The sections are as follows:
Section 1: Introduction
In this section, you will identify the main objectives and the structure of “Planning and Design of Surface Irrigation Networks” course. Learn about irrigation definition, necessity, methods of irrigation and how to select an irrigation method. Learn about soil – water relationship and soil moisture content. Learn about how to determine the water depth retained in root zone and how to determine the irrigation interval.
Section 2: Surface Irrigation Networks
In this section, You will learn about surface irrigation process and the principal data needed for surface irrigation design. Learn about how to classify surface canals and drains. Learn about how to make a suitable alignment of canals and drains nets, how to construct the synoptic for canals and drains and how to calculate the area served for different canal types.
Section 3: Water Requirements for Crops
In this section, you will learn about surface irrigation rotations and crop pattern. Learn about how to calculate practical and theoretical water duty. Learn about how to calculate the different surface irrigation efficiency types.
Section 4: Design of Surface Canals and Drains
In this section, you will learn about how to calculate canals and drains discharge and how to design surface canals and drains cross section by using Manning Equation. Learn about how to design irrigation outlet. You will Identify the berm and bank width. You will learn about how to draw cross section of surface canal or drain, how to check the seepage line and how to draw the longitudinal sections of main canals and main drains.
Section 5: Design of Main Water Structures in Irrigation Project
In this section, you will learn about the definition and classification of the regulator, how to design the different elements of the regulator and how to check the stability of the pier for the regulator. You will also Identify the tail escape structure and learn about how to design the different elements of the tail escape. All sections are covered with solved examples.
By the end of this course:
You will have a solid understanding of the theory and practice of surface irrigation engineering and you will be able to apply your knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems related to surface irrigation.
Surface Irrigation Networks
Water Requirements for Crops
Design of Surface Canals and Drains
Design of Main Water Structures in Irrigation Project
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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