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This course is A Beginner’s Guide to DevOps Tools, such as Python. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use these tools from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with theses tools and its their concepts.
The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Python and do your job more efficiently and to automate your tasks.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Setup Python
Scripting with OS module basics
Working with paths
Working with files
Using shutil
Writing basic scripts in Python
And more…
Lesson 2: Basic Data Types
1Setting Up Your Python Environment
2Demo: Setting Up Your Python Environment - Part 1
3Demo: Setting Up Your Python Environment - Part 2
4Creating Your First Project
5Demo: Creating Your First Project
6Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub
7Demo: Using Git with Python Projects
8Cloning and Running a Git Repository in IDEs
9Working with GitHub: Importing Repositories and Using GitHub Codespaces
10Lesson 1 Exercise: Setting Up Your Python Development Environment
11Printing with Python: Your First Step into Coding
12Print Techniques in Python
13Python Print Exercise and Solution
14Printing with Python: Your First Step into Coding
15Python Fundamentals: Common Print Statement Errors
16Debugging Practice Exercise : Identifying and Fixing Python Syntax Errors
17Python Print Function: Common Mistakes
18Mastering Multi-line Printing in Python: Basic Techniques
19Multi-line Printing Exercise and Solution: Practical Exercises in Python
20Multi-line Printing in Python
21Using Comments in Python
22Demo: Using Comments in Python
23Adding Comments in Python
Lesson 3: Operations with Basic Data Types
24Python Data Types
25Demo: Python Data Types
26Python Data Types Exercise
27Hands-on Data Types Identification: Exercise and Solution
28Python Data Types and Variables Exercise
29Hands-on Variable Assignment Manipulation: Exercise and Solution
30Python Variables and Data Types Exercise
31Adding Variables
32Adding Variables. Part 2
33Operations with Variables Exercise
34Python Variable Naming Rules and Best Pactices
35Python Variable Naming Rules
36String Manipulation in Python
37Demo: String Manipulation in Python
38Pythhon String Operations
39String Manipulation - Example
40String Manipulation Word Game
41Hands-on Simple Calculations String Manipulation: Exercise and Solution
42Hands-on Type Conversion Operations: Exercise and Solution
43Understanding Int and Other Variable Types
44Working with User Input. Type Converting
45Type Converting cont.
46Python Coding Best Practices
47Python Coding Best Practices: PEP 8
48Hands-On Challenge: Building a Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter
Lesson 4: Special Operations with Basic Data Types
49Python Integer Arithmetic
50Hands-On Challenge: Shopping Calculator Program
51Hands-On Challenge: Build Your Personal Savings Calculator Program
52Hands-On Challenge: Dining Out with Python. Build Your Smart Bill Splitter
53From Integers to Floats and Back Again
54Hands-On Challenge: From Floor Division to Negative Numbers
55Hands-On Challenge: Time Management with Python - Days-to-Weeks Conversion App
56Hands-On Challenge: Build a Road Trip Budget Calculator
Lesson 5: Even More on PEP8
57Modulo Operator: Powerful Remainder Calculations in Python
58Mastering Exponentiation and Modulo Operators in Python
59Hands-On Challenge: Calculating Cube Volumes and Surface Areas
60Hands-On Modular Arithmetic: Movie Theater Seating and Secret Message Decoding
61Operations Processing order in Python: PEMDAS
62Hands-On Python Workshop: Startup Financial Modeling
63Hands-On Python Workshop Solution: Startup Financial Modeling
Lesson 6: Taking User's Input
Working with Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Loops, and Numeric Data Types
67Submitting an input in Python
68Hands-On Exercises with User's Input: Tasks and Solutions. Part 1
69Hands-On Exercises with User's Input: Tasks and Solutions. Part 2
70Hands-On Exercises with User's Input: Tasks and Solutions. Part 3
71Hands-On Exercises with User's Input: Tasks and Solutions. Part 4
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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