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What is this course about:
This course covers all the fundamentals about Apache Spark with Java and teaches you everything you need to know about developing Spark applications with Java. At the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Apache Spark and general big data analysis and manipulations skills to help your company to adapt Apache Spark for building big data processing pipeline and data analytics applications.
This course covers 10+ hands-on big data examples. You will learn valuable knowledge about how to frame data analysis problems as Spark problems. Together we will learn examples such as aggregating NASA Apache web logs from different sources; we will explore the price trend by looking at the real estate data in California; we will write Spark applications to find out the median salary of developers in different countries through the Stack Overflow survey data; we will develop a system to analyze how maker spaces are distributed across different regions in the United Kingdom.  And much much more.
What will you learn from this lecture:
In particularly, you will learn:
An overview of the architecture of Apache Spark.
Develop Apache Spark 2.0 applications with Java using RDD transformations and actions and Spark SQL.
Work with Apache Spark’s primary abstraction, resilient distributed datasets(RDDs) to process and analyze large data sets.
Deep dive into advanced techniques to optimize and tune Apache Spark jobs by partitioning, caching and persisting RDDs.
Scale up Spark applications on a Hadoop YARN cluster through Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce service.
Analyze structured and semi-structured data using Datasets and DataFrames, and develop a thorough understanding of Spark SQL.
- Share information across different nodes on an Apache Spark cluster by broadcast variables and accumulators.
Best practices of working with Apache Spark in the field.
- Big data ecosystem overview.
Why shall we learn Apache Spark:
Apache Spark gives us unlimited ability to build cutting-edge applications. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to the big data world.
Spark provides in-memory cluster computing which greatly boosts the speed of iterative algorithms and interactive data mining tasks.
Apache Spark is the next-generation processing engine for big data.
Tons of companies are adapting Apache Spark to extract meaning from massive data sets, today you have access to that same big data technology right on your desktop.
Apache Spark is becoming a must tool for big data engineers and data scientists.
About the author:
Since 2015, James has been helping his company to adapt Apache Spark for building their big data processing pipeline and data analytics applications.
James’ company has gained massive benefits by adapting Apache Spark in production. In this course, he is going to share with you his years of knowledge and best practices of working with Spark in the real field.
Why choosing this course?
This course is very hands-on, James has put lots effort to provide you with not only the theory but also real-life examples of developing Spark applications that you can try out on your own laptop.
James has uploaded all the source code to Github and you will be able to follow along with either Windows, MAC OS or Linux.
In the end of this course, James is confident that you will gain in-depth knowledge about Spark and general big data analysis and data manipulation skills. You’ll be able to develop Spark application that analyzes Gigabytes scale of data both on your laptop, and in the cloud using Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce service!
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 If not satisfied simply ask for a refund within 30 days. You will get a full refund. No questions whatsoever asked.
Are you ready to take your big data analysis skills and career to the next level, take this course now!
You will go from zero to Spark hero in 4 hours.
1Course Overview
2How to Take this Course and How to Get Support
3Text Lecture: How to Take this Course and How to Get Support
4Introduction to Spark
6Java 9 Warning
7Install Java and Git
8Source Code
9Set up Spark project with IntelliJ IDEA
10Set up Spark project with Eclipse
11Text lecture: Set up Spark project with Eclipse
12Run our first Spark job
13Trouble shooting: running Hadoop on Windows
Spark Architecture and Components
14RDD Basics
15Create RDDs
16Text Lecture: Create RDDs
17Map and Filter Transformation
18Solution to Airports by Latitude Problem
19FlatMap Transformation
20Text Lectures: flatMap Transformation
21Set Operation
22Sampling With Replacement and Sampling Without Replacement
23Solution for the Same Hosts Problem
25Solution to Sum of Numbers Problem
26Important Aspects about RDD
27Summary of RDD Operations
28Caching and Persistence
Pair RDD
Advanced Spark Topic
31Introduction to Pair RDD
32Create Pair RDDs
33Filter and MapValue Transformations on Pair RDD
34Reduce By Key Aggregation
35Sample solution for the Average House problem
36Group By Key Transformation
37Sort By Key Transformation
38Sample Solution for the Sorted Word Count Problem
39Data Partitioning
40Join Operations
41Extra Learning Material: How are Big Companies using Apache Spark
Spark SQL
Running Spark in a Cluster
46Introduction to Spark SQL
47Spark SQL in Action
48Spark SQL practice: House Price Problem
49Spark SQL Joins
50Strongly Typed Dataset
51Use Dataset or RDD
52Dataset and RDD Conversion
53Performance Tuning of Spark SQL
54Extra Learning Material: Avoid These Mistakes While Writing Apache Spark Program
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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